Friday, August 21, 2009

Bring Me The Chef's Salad!

Chef's Salad at Mom's Corner

Mom's Corner along Pabayo-Chavez Sts. in CDO is just a stone's throw away from where I work and they serve tasty yet affordable meals. Whenever I feel like eating salad, I just go there and order Caesar's Salad or the Chef's Salad.

Chef's Salad usually consists of ham strips, hard-boiled eggs, croutons, cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes, roast beef, chicken, turkey, and salad greens and Thousand Island dressing. Mom's Corner's version of the salad has about the same contents except for the roast beef, chicken and turkey.

I love eating
salads since they are healthier to eat than pure meat. Every now and then when I don't feel like eating a lot, I just mix my own batch or go to the nearest resto that serves greens. I prefer not to put dressing and cheese on my salad though.

I'm hungry... bring me the
Chef's Salad!

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Anonymous said...

Mom's Corner is still alive? Excellent memories here, when I was a kid my dad used to treat me here whenever I was a good boy!!

Angela MP said...

Yes, Mom's Corner is still very much alive and it still has a cozy ambiance!

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